Home > Absolutely New to English Class
Absolutely New to English Class
This is a pre entry level class for students who have very little or no English language.
Delivered by an experienced primary teacher , lessons cover basic English skills which will allow student to communicate their needs.
This is an Online Course For more information, please contact the provider.
Days & Dates: Wednesday: 9.30 - 10.30 11:00 - 1200
26th May 2021 to 28th July 2021 -
Enrolment: Open
Cost: Free
Course Duration: no limit to lessons
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
Contact the provider about this course
Provider Address:
The Good Shepherd Centre, Keighley
West Lane, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD22 6ES
Contact: Angie Pedley
Email: angie.pedley@gmail.com
Phone: 01729851555
Website: https://www.thegoodshepherdcentre.org.uk/ (will open in a new window)
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