Home > Oasis Gardening Group
Oasis Gardening Group
Wider Learning Opportunity
Oasis is a mental health friendly gardening project based around growing vegetables.
The project is run by two members of staff and several volunteers. You can learn and share gardening skills, all skill levels are welcome and they are always interested in hearing from new volunteers.
Oasis gardening sessions:
- Grimesthorpe Allotments gardening group meets every Tuesday 1.30 – 5.00pm at Grimesthorpe Allotments on Grimesthorpe Road.
Course Address:
Grimesthorpe Allotments
Grimesthorpe Allotments, Grimesthorpe Road, Sheffield, S4 8LE - Click here for travel & directions
- Days & Dates: Tuesday: 1.30pm - 5pm
- Cost: Free
Additional information
- Accessible: Yes
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Contact the provider about this course
Course Address:
Grimesthorpe Allotments
Grimesthorpe Allotments, Grimesthorpe Road, Sheffield, S4 8LE
- Email: oasis@sheffieldflourish.co.uk
- Phone: tel:07716290721 (Gardening Group) or 07926097027 (Gardening Service)
- Website: https://www.sheffieldmentalhealth.co.uk/services/gardening-for-wellbeing-at-oasis (will open in a new window)
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