Home > Diploma in Counselling Level 3
Diploma in Counselling Level 3
Wider Learning Opportunity
Course overview
Talking therapies help people overcome anxiety, trauma, bereavement, and many other problems they may be facing in life. If you’re keen to learn how to support people through challenging times, this counselling training is right for you. The Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills gives you a solid understanding of theory and practical skills. Learn counselling skills you can apply in everyday life, be it for work or within a personal capacity. Counselling courses teach you fundamental skills employers look for. You’ll understand how to help others in a safe and constructive way. This course is right for you if you work in a role which requires counselling skills, or if you’re working towards accredited Counsellor Status.
Here is the link to the website for more information.
This is an Online Course For more information, please contact the provider.
Days & Dates: Monday: 9.30am - 2.30pm
Wednesday: 9.30am - 2.30pm
2nd October 2023 to 27th May 2024
Additional information
Accessible: Yes - Online learning from home.
Contact the provider about this course

Provider Address:
WEA - Online (West Yorkshire)
No address, West Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, LS31AA
Contact: WEA Yorkshire and Humber
Email: wyskills@wea.org.uk
Phone: 01132453304
Website: https://westyorkshire.wea.org.uk/ (will open in a new window)
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