Home > Confident communication for work
Confident communication for work
Wider Learning Opportunity
This course is ideal for those who need to build confidence and resilience when communicating. You’ll gain an understanding of how important listening skills are, and become more aware of how body language and communication skills can affect the outcome of interactions.
Different forms of communication will be explored. This includes face to face, phone and online interactions. You’ll also find out how to take messages or notes effectively.
No previous experience is needed for this course. You just need a willingness to want to improve your skills, especially if you’re wanting to work in employment that deals with members of the public
You must have a relatively good level of literacy as you’ll need to complete five written assignments of about 500 words each. We’ll support you to do this, so don’t let this be a barrier.
The course is accredited and after a successful assessment you’ll gain a Level 1 certificate for introduction to customer service.
Click here for more information and to register.
Course Address: Wellington House
Market Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 1WA - Click here for travel & directions
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Accessible: Yes
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Contact the provider about this course

Course Address:
Wellington House
Market Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 1WA
Contact: Adult Skills and Community Learning
Email: adultlearning@barnsley.gov.uk
Phone: 01226 775270
Website: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/adult-skills-and-community-learning/ (will open in a new window)
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