Home > Brunsmeer Awareness Football Club
Brunsmeer Awareness Football Club
Wider Learning Opportunity
Brunsmeer Awareness Football Club is a mental health friendly club. It provides an opportunity to exercise and have fun in a relaxed environment. They welcome people from all backgrounds whatever your level of fitness, ability or football knowledge.
They run two free sessions every week, one for everyone and one for women only:
- Brunsmeer Awareness FC (Tuesday, open to all) – every Tuesday afternoon from 1.30 – 3pm at Goodwin Sports Centre.
- Brunsmeer Awareness FC (women’s) – every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8pm at Goodwin Sports Centre. Email Lisa.Thompson-Cox@sheffieldflourish.co.uk or phone 07736 149032 to register.
Course Address: Goodwin Sports Centre
Goodwin Sports Centre , Northumberland Road, Sheffield, S10 2TY - Click here for travel & directions
Days & Dates: Tuesday: 1.30pm - 3pm
Wednesday: 7 - 8pm -
Cost: Free
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
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Contact the provider about this course
Course Address:
Goodwin Sports Centre
Goodwin Sports Centre , Northumberland Road, Sheffield, S10 2TY
Email: brunsmeer@sheffieldflourish.co.uk
Phone: 07971 828954
Website: https://www.sheffieldmentalhealth.co.uk/services/brunsmeer-awareness-football-club (will open in a new window)
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