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The Book of Refugees – call for contributions

We have finished the first phase of our project successfully, with the creation of the project’s web page and Google forms in five languages (other than English):  Arabic DariKurdishPashto and Ukrainian

Today we officially send our call for contributions to all refugees across the UK, inviting them to participate and share their extraordinary experiences with us in a few words (250 words max) from which we learn lessons for life (short poems, proverbs, quotations, words of wisdom, drawings, calligraphy, photographs).  Contributions can be submitted via the google form linked to the project webpage.

Refugees are free to share their experiences in English or in their original languages. Their contributions will be translated and published later online as well as in a book that carries the same title of the project. 

Please share widely in your local communities and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.  Many thanks for your help and support. 

Kindest regards,

Lucia and Ahmed

Dr Ahmed F Khaleel   دأحمد فيصل خليل البحر

Associate Lecturer in Arabic

Chair of York City of Sanctuary

Dept of Language & Linguistic Science
University of York

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