Survey on the education needs of Hongkongers in Britain
Survey on the Education Needs of Hongkongers in Britain
您好!英國港僑協會正進行一項問卷調查,以了解移英港人學童及青年的教育狀況及需要。 調查結果將有助於本會策劃未來的服務及倡議工作。如您是學童家長或18至29歲在學青年人,並於2020年8月或之後移居英國,歡迎填寫問卷。填寫問卷需時約15至20分鐘,所有資料均會保密及匿名處理。
問卷連結﹕ 截止日期:2022年10月30日
若欲聯絡此調查之總研究員 http://請電郵至
Hongkongers in Britain (HKB) is trying to understand the educational conditions and needs of school children and young adults who recently migrated to the UK from Hong Kong. The findings will help HKB plan new services and advocate for policy change. If you are a parent of school children or a young adult student aged between 18 and 29 who migrated to the United Kingdom from Hong Kong in or after August 2020, you are welcome to take part in this survey. The questionnaire should take 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymised.
By clicking the link below, you confirm that you are above the age of 18 and agree to take part in the survey voluntarily. This questionnaire will be best displayed on a desktop or laptop computer.
Questionnaire :
Open for responses until 30 October, 2022
If you would like to contact the Research Lead to discuss this research, please email
Hongkongers in Britain
19 October 2022