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The Good Shepherd Centre is on the edges of an estate which is set within 10% of the highest deprivation in the Bradford Met where there is poverty, poor housing and many families in great need. The Centre provides a haven of peace and support away the outside world. We support homeless people, people who are unable to mix with the community. Our aims are to empower, engage and educate economically and socially disadvantaged people in order that they may be better able to participate fully in society. We are also known especially for our support for families and individuals from Central and Eastern Europe (mainly Polish, Slovakian and Romanian, and large Roma population). Refugees and immigrants from other parts of the world (Africa, India, and the Middle East) and large group of local residents.
• Drop-in advice and advocacy,
• Parent and toddler group,
• Coffee morning
• Free Counselling sessions
• A range of free courses
• Mental Wellbeing Support Group
• Luncheon Club
• Family Fun events throughout the year
• Volunteering opportunities
• Work experience placements
• Delivering food, clothing and furniture to deprived families
As a registered learning provider we offer English classes for all at all levels in addition we support with conversations, cv writing etc.