Leeds City Council Adult Learning


Leeds Adult Learning offers a range of first step courses for adults. ESOL courses take place across the city in a variety of different venues, eg Merrion House Hub, Hillcrest Academy, Horsforth Children’s Centre, Gipton Children’s Centre, Kentmere Community Centre. Many courses are free subject to personal circumstances. For example: English for Job Seeking (and Volunteering) at Merrion House Hub 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8BB Wednesdays 10-12.30 from 28th September for 12 weeks Contact 0113 3785157 for more info. This is an English course for speakers of other languages (ESOL) to improve confidence and develop language skills when looking for work. In this module learners will gain confidence and develop more advanced language skills needed to plan for their future. Specifically, they will learn to talk about themselves; read adverts for paid or volunteer jobs; prepare for interviews; and plan activities for their next steps, including to continue to practise their English. This module should be completed before ESOL for Job Applications and ESOL at Work.
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Locations for Leeds City Council Adult Learning

Merrion House Hub

  • Address: Leeds City Council Adult Learning
    North Broadgate Lane, 110 Merrion Centre, West Yorkshire, LS2 8BB
Leeds City Council Adult Learning

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