Soap Box Collective

A fun, creative space to be yourself and have your say. Soap Box is a creative empowerment programme for people seeking sanctuary (refugees, asylum seekers, migrants) aged 18-35. Our weekly workshops are a relaxed, social space for members to explore a wide range of creative skills in order to build confidence, make new friends, practise English, develop a supportive network of peers and become agents of change in their lives and communities. Throughout the year we create live and digital productions driven by our members’ passions and interests, we present at conferences and events and attend local theatre productions and festivals. We think creativity can make the world better for all of us and we know there are lots of things you’d like to see improved in your area and city, so join us for weekly sessions where together we can make positive changes for everyone!
  • Course Eligibility: Open to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants aged 18-35 years old.

    We provide interpreters, travel expenses and food.

    There are no commitment requuirements, join us for one session or every week. We know you have busy lives so join us when suits you!
  • Days & Dates: Thursday: 4pm - 7pm
  • Availability: Spaces Available
  • Enrolment: Open
  • Cost: Free - Free
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  • Accessible: Yes

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Stand and Be Counted Theatre
  • Course Address:
    Montgomery Theatre and Arts Centre
    27 Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 2LG

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