Home > SAVTE Online Conversation Group
SAVTE Online Conversation Group
Various small Online Conversation Groups led by trained volunteers in conversation with learners.
This is an Online Course For more information, please contact the provider.
Course Eligibility: participants live in Sheffield, access to the internet, access to a device.
Availability: Spaces Available
Enrolment: Open
Cost: Free
Course Duration: ongoing
Accreditations: Non-Accredited
Additional information
Accessible: Yes - online provision, not applicable
Contact the provider about this course

Provider Address:
SAVTE Online
7 Castle St,, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S3 8LT
Contact: Salwa Ahmed
Email: salwa@savte.org.uk
Phone: 0114 212 3050
Website: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_YxS3zdfsglafeWW3VjfQAFWBLN2bZlr4RdzD6HP0j4qLTg/viewform (will open in a new window)
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