Home > Reading for Everyday Life
Reading for Everyday Life
This is an English Reading course for speakers of other languages (ESOL) to improve confidence and develop basic reading and understanding skills. It is open to any learner from Entry to Entry 3 level. You will learn to read and understand simple texts relevant to everyday life, using basic punctuation to aid understanding, reading, and obtaining information from signs, pictures, and written text. You may also learn to read and respond to more formal texts. At the end of the course your tutor will discuss your next steps, which may include further learning. Please come to the first session. Bring ID and any benefit information to support your enrolment.
Course Address: HAMARA CENTRE
TEMPEST ROAD, LEEDS, LS11 6RD - Click here for travel & directions
Days & Dates: 10th January 2024 to 27th March 2024
Additional information
Adults 19+ English for speakers of other languages
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Contact the provider about this course
Course Address:
Contact: Sheldon Kerr
Email: acls@leeds.gov.uk
Phone: 1133787002
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