Designed for learners who plan to apply for IELTS at a future date, our pre-IELTS course introduces you to the exam and the materials you will need to study in order to pass. Our pre-IELTS course involves a mock exam, which all learners will sit before and after the course for progression monitoring. Flexible dates for weekly classes – tell us your availability and we will schedule the class to your convenience.
  • Course Address: Toranj Learning Centre
    29 Beverley Road, Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU3 IXH
  • Click here for travel & directions
  • Additional Location Information:
    Located on Beverley Road, our office is next to the Hull Daily Mail building and are a short walk from Hull Paragon Interchange if you plan to arrive by bus or train. We have a secure carpark accessible from Vane Street.
  • Course Eligibility: Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, our offices have temporarily closed. Tuition services are continuing online, however learners must have internet access to enrol on these services. Once the lockdown is lifted, classes will resume in a classroom setting.
  • Days & Dates: Monday: Contact for schedule
    Tuesday: Contact for schedule
    Wednesday: Contact for schedule
    Thursday: Contact for schedule
    Friday: Contact for schedule
    Saturday: Contact for schedule
    Sunday: Contact for schedule
  • Enrolment: Open
  • Cost: Free
  • Course Duration: 15 classes
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Additional information

  • Accessible: Yes - Ramp into the building, press doorbell if you require assistance. Facilities are on the ground floor, including the toilets.
  • Childcare: Yes
    Children Allowed: Yes
  • Kitchenette
  • Computer Access and WiFi
  • Bike Storage
  • Free Parking

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Contact the provider about this course

Toranj Tuition
  • Course Address:
    Toranj Learning Centre
    29 Beverley Road, Kingston upon Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU3 IXH

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    Please note: your message will be sent direct to the provider. If you do not hear back from the provider after a reasonable time, please follow up by contacting the provider direct using the details on this page under 'Show contact details'.

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