Home > Meet and Connect on zoom
Meet and Connect on zoom
This is an informal conversation cafe on zoom – please email Tina if you would like to join.
This is an Online Course For more information, please contact the provider.
Course Eligibility: For anyone that wants to practise English and make friends.
Days & Dates: Tuesday: 2-3pm
Thursday: 1.30-2.30pm
12th August 2020 to 17th December 2020 -
Enrolment: Open
Cost: Free
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
Children Allowed: Yes
Contact the provider about this course

Provider Address:
22-23 Blayds Yard, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS1 4AD
Contact: Tina Brocklebank
Email: tina@lassn.org.uk
Phone: 07845 298039
Do you have a question about this course, or want to know more information? Please fill out the form below and we will send it directly to the course provider.
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