Home > Free English Evening classes for ESOL Entry 2 -ESOL Level 1 learners
Free English Evening classes for ESOL Entry 2 -ESOL Level 1 learners
We are pleased to announce our free classes are returning to the Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University (S1 2ND) in October.
To join our classes, learners need to attend our free class testing evening in the Dorothy Fleming Lecture Theatre on the ground floor of the Charles Street Building , Sheffield Hallam University 133 Charles Street, S1 2 N D on Thursday 12 October from 18:00 to 19:00. Please bring a pen!
The classes are for adult learners at elementary (ESOL Entry 2) pre-intermediate (ESOL Entry 3) and intermediate (ESOL level 1 +).
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer classes for children, adult beginners or learners who can’t read and write in English.
The first classes are on Monday 16 October and Wednesday 18th October and continue from Monday-Thursday for most groups from 17:30-19:30 in the Charles Street Building until the end of November.
Our free classes are taught by trainee teachers, who are studying at the university. University tutors observe all sessions.
The Charles Street Building is in the city campus. It faces Arundel Gate and is opposite Q Car Park. Address: 133 Charles Street, S1 2 N D
If you have questions, please contact : TESOLEveningClassEnquiries@shu.ac.uk
Course Address: Charles Street Building
Charles Street Building, 133 Charles Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2ND - Click here for travel & directions
Course Eligibility: Adult learners from ESOL Entry 2 - ESOL level 1 +
There will usually be 3 classes per evening when the classes begin.
To join our classes Learners need to come to the free class testing evening on
on Thursday 12 October in the Dorothy Fleming Lecture Theatre on the ground floor of the Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University 133 Charles Street, S1 2 N D on from 18:00 to 19:00. Please bring a pen!
Days & Dates: Monday: 17:30-19:30
Tuesday: 17:30-19:30
Wednesday: 17:30-19:30
Thursday: 17:30-19:30
16th October 2023 to 30th November 2023 -
Enrolment: Starts 12th October 2023 - Closes 12th October 2023
Cost: Free
Course Duration: 3 groups for 7 weeks
Accreditations: Non-Accredited
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
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Contact the provider about this course

Course Address:
Charles Street Building
Charles Street Building, 133 Charles Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2ND
Contact: Helen Thompson
Email: TESOLEveningClassEnquiries@shu.ac.uk
Phone: 01142255511
Website: https://www.shu.ac.uk/ (will open in a new window)
Do you have a question about this course, or want to know more information? Please fill out the form below and we will send it directly to the course provider.
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