Home > Food Safety Level 2 Award
Food Safety Level 2 Award
Food Safety Course will teach you:
How to take responsibility for food safety; to understand the importance of keeping clean and hygienic; to understand the importance of keeping work areas clean and hygienic.
This will lead to a qualification needed to work in the food industry.
To register your interest please use the following link.
Course Address: Skills for Work
St Peter’s House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4TY - Click here for travel & directions
Days & Dates: Friday: 9.30am to 11.30am
Enrolment: Open
Cost: Free
Accreditations: Accredited Course
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
English Language ability to be Entry 3 and above
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Contact the provider about this course

Course Address:
Skills for Work
St Peter’s House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4TY
Contact: Admin staff
Email: familylearning@bradford.gov.uk
Phone: 01274 433648
Website: https://theblog.is/familylearning/ (will open in a new window)
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