Home > Fartown Trinity ESOL Project
Fartown Trinity ESOL Project
Free English classes for speakers of other languages -Tuesday mornings in term time 9.30-12.
We are an urban church with a congregation from all over the world, something we are very proud of. We run English classes for speakers of other languages, including asylum seekers, refugees and also local people who have lived here for many years. Together with Cowcliffe Methodist Church we also run a social club for the elderly once a month. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more about these services, which are open to anyone of any background.
Course Address: Fartown Trinity Methodist Church
Spaines Road, Fartown, Huddersfield, Kirklees, HD2 2SA - Click here for travel & directions
Days & Dates: Tuesday: 9.30-12.00
Cost: Free
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Accessible: Yes
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Contact the provider about this course
Course Address:
Fartown Trinity Methodist Church
Spaines Road, Fartown, Huddersfield, Kirklees, HD2 2SA
Contact: Sue Taylor
Email: spbagshaw@btinternet.com
Phone: 01484423574
Website: https://www.huddersfieldmethodists.org.uk/fartown-trinity.html (will open in a new window)
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