ESOL Skills for Life Entry 1

Adults whose first language is not English, who may be new to the UK or have lived in the UK for a while but never had the chance to learn English and those with basic English communication, reading and writing skills. This course is suitable for learners who wish to achieve a recognised qualification at entry Level 1 in ESOL in the following areas, reading, writing, speaking & listening. ALL LEARNERS MUST HAVE A SKILLS CHECK INITIAL ASSESSMENT BEFORE ENROLLING – CALL US ON 01422 392820 FOR AVAILABLE DATES AND TO BOOK. This course is designed to provide learners with a flexible route to developing the skills in English, which will enable them to build confidence and provide a foundation for further study towards higher skills in ESOL, a move towards employment or as a stepping stone to vocational study. Learners will gain skills and confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Content includes reading straightforward texts; strategies for improving basic spelling, punctuation and grammar. Improve English speaking skills in particular when using correct verbs tenses when speaking about the past, present and future tense. This course offers 3 units as part of a recognised qualification and can be taken as individual units in a roll on and roll off program throughout the year. This course is accredited by City & Guilds.    
  • Days & Dates: Saturday: 9.30am - 12pm
  • Cost: Free - course is offered free to those in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance or on Low Income (evidence will be required).
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  • Accessible: Yes

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  • Course Address:
    Todmorden Community College
    Burnley Road, Todmorden, OL14 7BX

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