Home > Level 1/ Level 2 Award in Reading
Level 1/ Level 2 Award in Reading
This course is for anyone based in the UK for whom English is a second or additional language. We provide a friendly and supportive environment to learn, helping you to develop your reading, writing and speaking skills.
You’ll need to book an initial assessment with one of our tutors so we can advise you which class is the most suitable for you.
Assessments take place at Wellington House in Barnsley town centre, or online, and last about 30 minutes.
This is an Online Course For more information, please contact the provider.
Days & Dates: Wednesday: 9.30am-12.00pm
Friday: 9.30am-12.00pm
12th January 2022 to 1st April 2022 -
Enrolment: Open
Cost: ££200for the course
Course Duration: 12 weeks
Accreditations: Accredited Course, City and Guilds
Additional information
Accessible: Yes
Contact the provider about this course

Provider Address:
N/a, N/a, N/a, N/a
Contact: Adult Skills and Community Learning
Email: adultlearning@barnsley.gov.uk
Phone: 01226 775270
Website: https://www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/adult-skills-and-community-learning/ (will open in a new window)
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